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Addiction Recovery Clinic And Rehabilitation Centre

We at Liberty Home love answering questions about our Addiction Recovery Clinic.  Below is a list of the most frequently asked questions by our guests and members and have compiled those questions below to help you answer any questions you may have?

Sober Living is when you have put your addiction in the past and have made a conscious effort to remain sober after completing a primary rehab program such as AANA or the twelve-step fellowship program.

Making a conscious effort to stay sober is very important and can be rough in the beginning. If you feel that you might be tempted or that you might not have the right life skills yet to cope with being sober on your own then a secondary care programme could be for you. If you are interested in secondary care have a look at our programme here.

Reintegration Care is based on an approved secondary care programme which helps you learn how to cope in the outside world on your own as a sober individual. This is accomplished by teaching you the necessary coping mechanisms in a calm and safe environment such as a halfway home with like-minded people.

To find out more about our reintegration care programme visit our Liberty Programme page here

Reintegration Care refers to the programme of attaining the skills to live a sober life. At Liberty Home we will focus on the clients being healthy and productive to themselves and society. We will give tools and opportunities to develop a volunteer job, a hobby or a vocation while keeping sober living habits.

Sober Living refers to keeping and maintaining sober habits, Sober living is making a choice everyday to keep striving forward and steer away from the decisions that could put you back into the previous life you once lived.

A halfway house or often times also described as a sober home is a facility to administer the secondary care programme after primary rehabilitation, often times set in a calm and fun group environment with private areas for consultations and work. Liberty Home is a halfway house based in Cape town South Africa offering stunning views and great activities with professional Counselors and assistants to make your stay as comfortable as possible while you learn and recover 

If you would like to know more about our secondary care programme, have a look here.

A secondary care facility is a sober home where our professional counsellors and assistants help you recover and learn the nessecary skills to stay sober when you are out on your own. This is accomplished by following an approved secondary care programme. 

If you would like to know more about our secondary care programme, have a look here.

A Transition home or often times also referred to as a sober home or halfway home is a centre where we allow guests to follow an approved secondary care programme often times set in a calm and fun group setting with private areas for private consultations, work and relaxation.

Liberty Home is a Transition Home based in Cape Town, South Africa, offering stunning views and great activities with professional Counselors and assistants to make your stay as comfortable as possible while you learn and recover .

If you would like to know more about our secondary care programme, have a look here.

Liberty Home is not a rehab centre but a secondary care facility which assists individuals who have just finished a primary rehabilitation programme but do not feel they are ready to enter the world yet. 

If you have just completed rehab and feel you are not ready to step out just yet, have a look at our reintegration programme or get in touch. We are here to help.

You are allowed to leave the halfway house whenever,  part of our reintegration programme is to afford you your freedom and give you the responsibility of taking action within your environment. However, with most reintegration care programmes, you will be randomly drug tested to ensure that you do not relapse while out and about.

If you have just completed rehab and feel you are not ready to step out just yet, have a look at our reintegration programme or get in touch. We are here to help.

You have to be sober and have completed a primary rehabilitation programme as well as pass a drug test to be able to attend a halfway house or sober home.

For more information visit our our reintegration programme or get in touch. We are here to help.

A reintegration programme can last anywhere from a month to a year, once you feel that you have attained the necessary skills to be out on your own, you are more than welcome to leave the programme 

To find out more, get in touch by calling, messaging or emailing us, get our info here.

You are more than welcome to bring with you any hobby items, clothing items, accessories etc.

Items such as weapons, knives, needles, drugs, alcohol and any other items prohibited by law in South Africa are strictly not allowed, we suggest checking out what you may pack on your flight to us here.

To find out more, get in touch by calling, messaging or emailing us, get our info here.

You can come to a halfway home if you have relapsed recently, provided that you have completed  a primary rehabilitation programme in the past and have done a Medically Supervised Detox Prior to Admission To Our Reintegration Care Program. 

To find out more, get in touch by calling, messaging or emailing us, get our info here.

Zolang je nuchter en clean bent, een primair revalidatieprogramma hebt gevolgd en niet recentelijk bent teruggevallen, is er geen tijdschema voor wanneer je kunt worden opgenomen.
Als je onlangs een terugval hebt gehad, moet je een medisch begeleide detox voltooien voordat je kunt worden toegelaten tot ons re-integratiezorgprogramma.

Ga voor meer informatie naar onze Liberty programmapagina of neem contact met ons op.